
Showing posts from March, 2022

Our Payroll Services Give You Back Your Time

When you start out in business on your own, in nearly all cases there will just be you and perhaps a partner or two, but if the business gets off the ground successfully, in a few months’ time you will need to start taking on employees. To begin with, it will probably be just one employee and that may be to assist with the office work, or perhaps as a salesman or woman. A little later on, you will probably take on another employee, and then more as your business expands. When you take on an employee you immediately walk into a bunch of regulations both in regards to taxes and your pension scheme. If your employee is eligible, and most are, you will have to set up a pension scheme and contribute to it. You may need your accountant to assist you with this. However, when it comes to payroll, you can probably manage to deal with all the paperwork when you only have one or two employees. Spending ½ day per week or more on payrol However, your business expands further, and suddenly y